Tuesday, March 1, 2011


The 12 soil orders of the world are here.

One of the most prominent and the proposed state soil of Georgia is the Tifton Soil Series which is in the Ultisol soil order. 

Tifton Soil Profile

Surface layer: dark grayish brown loamy sand

Subsoil - upper: strong brown fine sandy loam
Subsoil - middle: yellowish brown sandy clay loam
Subsoil - lower: strong brown sandy clay
There is more than 5 percent plinthite in the subsoil 
The Munsell Soil Chart is how we identify and categorize different soils. It is broken down into three aspects of the soil coloration, the Hue (or the basic color of the soil, i.e. red, yellow, green, blue, purple), the Value (or the lightness or darkness of the coloration), and the Chroma (or the saturation/ intensity of the color). 

 The Soil Texture Dichotomous Key is a battery of questions one answers about a soil while examining it when wet. This helps to further identify it. An example of a soil texture dichotomous key is here.

This is an example of a soil texture diagram: 

Finally, here's a soil map of Georgia!

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